Sunday, 23 September 2007


Well, I've started this as a place to write away from the people I know. I have another blog, which my friends and boyfriend read - this one's for me to write my crap so I can only embarass myself to myself.
The name is how I see myself at the moment, in a way not too cryptic to understand but that my boy wouldn't think to go hunting around the internet for. The title of the blog is my phrase in dark moments, the one that reminds me things are not necessarily as final or awful as they may seem.
This blog might be a little more ranty and depressing than my other one - I feel I must be private in my anger and my low points, for the benefit of myself as well as others. Noone wants to read page after page of self-obsessed misery, including me. I can come to this when I need to, and leave it when I want.

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