Sunday 11 November 2007

So here we are...

Well it finally happened. It's finally over. It is done. He is upset, angry, annoyed, confused. I am...numb. It is the right thing to have happened. I was expecting it to take longer than this. I am sad for him, I still care for him, but I am also glad of being able to shake him off now. His life is....his. Not ours, anymore. Several things have happened to him this week, none of which I know the actual details - but I don't want to know. I don't want to care. I want to be me, to be selfish, to worry and care about myself. That is it. I am sorry it didn't work out. But I am not sorry for myself. It is the right thing to do.
I am scared though. I am truly alone now. I know I always least the past few months. But now I'm really doing this thing, living this life, on my own. It is partly exciting, partly scary. It is the right time. I am strong enough now.

1 comment:

MacDuff said...

That wretched 'Petite Anglaise' seems to have this market covered.
Hope you are well - just discovered this old link.